The price of the course includes range time for live fire qualification in Stacy MN, access to modules, free loaner if needed (ammunition extra), additional help for the novice shooter, ear and eye protection, target, certificates for completion.
How does it work? We talked to students that went through our classes and some liked the lecture some wanted something they could do on their own time, so what we did was used the DNR hunter safety online as a model for our online course. It is similar to our "Live" classes but you can complete the classroom portion at your own pace and when your schedule will allow. If you have questions send us an email and one of our instructors will usually respond within an hour. We encourage you to take notes or write down any question that you have, no question is to small or irrelevant. This is a big responsibility that you are considering. You can go back and review the Modules at any time. There is a answer sheet that you print out on the Thank You for Registering page that will open once you register. There are short tests at the end of each Module. There is also a written test "Pistol Proficiency Written Test" to download for you to complete and bring to the range. Once you finish all of the Modules and tests then contact us to set up range time for live fire. Send us an email when finished and we can set a date for Range Qualification. Weather may affect the date, the range is covered but outside. You do your range qualification and you are done. You are still required to pass the tests and get at least a 75% on your live fire qualification test.
We still offer free loaner handguns if needed (Ammunition Extra) or bring your own cased firearm, eye and hearing protection, extra instruction for those that are not marksmen, target and range time are all included. Range time is scheduled on Saturday or Sunday or other arrangement usually can be made if you contact us
Click on this link to register for the online class and pay through paypal.
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